Curriculum Vitae
2021 | Master of Science (Statistics). Department of Statistics, LMU Munich |
2006 - 2013 | Diplôme d'Ingénieur. Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Paris and Universidad EIA, Medellin |
2005 | High school diploma. Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, Medellin |
Professional Experience
2013 - 2021 | Bulk Network Management Expert REW. Linde plc, Pullach |
2012 | Supply Chain Management Intern. Bayer HealthCare, Gaillard |
Projects / Further Education
2021 | Master’s thesis: „Time Series Anomaly Detection in Liquid Gas Tanks“. LMU Munich and Linde plc, Pullach |
2021 | Research: „Characterization of patients admitted to hospital with covid-19, development and evaluation of prognostic models for thrombosis, clinical deterioration and death“. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota |
2020 | Seminar: „Applied Statistics in Epidemiology: Machine Learning”. IBE, Munich |
2019 | Statistical consulting: „Univariate Time Series Forecasting of Bulk Customer Demand at Linde plc“. LMU Munich and Linde plc, Pullach |
2015 | Course: “Foundations of Air Separation”. Linde plc, Pullach |
2011 | Master’s thesis: „Cyclic behavior after ageing of short glass fiber reinforced polyamide for fatigue life prediction of automotive components“. Arts et Métiers ParisTech and Rhodia AG, Paris |
2011 | Course: „Ethical aspects of research and engineering“. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw |